Lancashire County Cricket Club has unveiled plans for a 4,850-seat stand at Emirates Old Trafford, making it the largest cricket ground outside of London. The new stand will replace the existing Red Rose Suite and will feature a pitch-view suite, along with improved members facilities, a new heritage centre, ticket office and shop and a new and improved route from the metrolink towards the ground.
The development will be delivered in a manner befitting of the local character and respect for the environmental and cultural assets of the area.
An arboricultural impact assessment was completed to identify the site specific effect of the planned development on the existing tree stock. A tree report was prepared in accordance with BS 5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction – Recommendations to inform the development process.
The development is part of the wider Civic Quarter masterplan which covers several prominent sites including the area around the cricket ground, Trafford Town Hall and UA92.