Planning consent was approved by Liverpool City Council for a 17-storey mixed-use development located on Waterloo Road, adjacent to the Liverpool Waters and to the east of the historic Princes Dock.
The development will comprise 140 apartments, a commercial unit at ground floor and mezzanine level, 21 car parking spaces and 81 cycle spaces. It forms part of a wider development area which includes Elliot Group’s Infinity Towers which are currently under construction and Ovatus 1 and 2.
Urban Green produced a townscape and visual appraisal (TVA) to support the planning application. The appraisal set out the relevant townscape policy alongside policies referring to ecological or heritage assets and supporting SPD’s. This was followed by an appraisal of the impacts of the development upon the townscape and visual receptors and heritage assets within the study area, and conclusions and recommendations made.
Developer LBWRL Beetham Rockmount received planning approval in October 2019.