• Client Persimmon Homes
  • Location Greater Manchester
  • Services Urban Design
  • Sector Residential

A successful draft allocation received following a call for sites through the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF)

As part of the first round of the GMSF call for sites, vision documents and masterplans were produced and submitted for three sites across Salford, Bolton and Rochdale, with a potential to deliver over 2,700 residential units.

The largest of the three sites, on land west of Irlam in Salford posed a unique and varied set of challenges and technical constraints. Following site analysis to inform the opportunities and constraints, a strategic masterplan of circa 300 acres was developed and comprised 2,000 residential units, a health and retirement care village, community facilities including a new primary school, sports pitches and a significant neighbourhood park; all of which were supported as an allocation in the GMSF.

Each sought to provide a cohesive and achievable vision for the release of the land to meet local housing needs, based on an informed evidence base comprising desk-based and field-based research conducted. These elements informed the approach and the development framework to address the suitability and deliverability of each site for residential development. The site was successfully received a draft allocation.

Working with Persimmon Homes, Urban Green is taking forward phase 1 to the north of the site to an outline planning application.

A draft allocation received for a site in Salford through the GMSF

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